Dear Family,
It is so good to hear from you! Each week seems to go by so quickly. I thought back to my time in the MTC, the other day, and I remembered thinking that two years would never come. Its kinda like a dream, in the sense that you see only the things directly in front of you, but the sides are all blurred and unfocused. Oct. 28 is still in that blurred area lol.
This week has been a bit of a weird one. Sora S goes home on Wednesday. She was in the group just below me in the MTC and I have been around her more than any other sister. I am so grateful that I wasn't around my MTC soras when they went home, because seeing Sora leave Bacau was so incredibly difficult. I have gone through more trials with her than any of my sisters. I am so grateful to have been able to serve around her and have a great understanding of who she is! I can't wait to see her and a certain "fish" when I get back ;)!!!
Life is good. Its very tiring, but its good. Elder M and I will be staying together for another transfer! I am so happy to hear this cause he has helped me so much this last transfer. He is so calm, especially during stressful situations, which is A+ in my book. We tried to set up with 2 people this week, but both of them fell through. We are still pretty hopeful for the two of them.
Take lots of pictures of C's homecoming for me! I am about to send you so many pictures and videos that you wont know what to do with them all :)
Love you all,
Elder Ormsby
We took Big Blue for a ride in Bacau. I wonder when the office elders will realize it is missing...
Gasp! It's Big Red, Big Blue's arch nemesis!
We played "Who Am I" in English Class.
We taught M how to say "I Love You"....He might think it means "rock on!" Close enough!
You probably can't see it, but that little blur on the middle of the hand is a spider. We are so proud of Sora S!
I ate a lot of food for this challenge.
The Soras have a friend in the bakery business so we like to stop by to say hello.
Super good pretzels for 30 cents!
If a crane makes a nest in the village, then the whole village has good luck.