Dear Family,
Movin' movin' movin'!!!! I know how that feels. I have moved eight completely different locations in the last two years! It is very interesting to see everything that you own in a few suitcases (or storage sheds).
Ooooh, a turkey dinner with all the fixin's sounds soooo good! We have a new sora, Sora R, from Mexico (she is in the same group as Soras P and L) and she is super cool! We are going to do a lot of district dinners to learn some quality Mexican food. The turkey dinner, however, would beat everything out of the water (especially with grandma's beans (did she make yucky rolls?)!)! Hows that for a lot of () and ?!? :)
My new comp is Elder C. He is from Michigan. He is a champ, super optimistic and a really talented person. He can do some pretty amazing stuff, isn't afraid of showing it, but doesn't show it off, if that makes sense. He was in the office right after I was, so it has been really funny to exchange office stories. Elder C could potentially be the new BP, but we haven't gotten any info from Pres on that.
Sora B is being trained by Sora M in Oradea. I didn't get the chance to meet her, and chances are slim that we will see each other before I leave.
Elder C's brother was just called to Uganda! I called it the night before. Just thought Grandma and Grandpa would like to know. Plus, the Ps said to say "Hi" to Grandma and Grandpa. They are the water project managers for eastern Europe. They said it about a year ago, but me being a very forgetful person, I didn't remember until I just wrote Uganda haha!
I love you all.
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