Dear Family,
I am pretty sure I covered all that needed to be said for the year mark celebration. For us, we will be going to the Hard Rock Cafe for some good burgers. Its been a while.
Mom, called to work in the Nursery huh? That will be fun! Snacks and nap time every Sunday? I'm in! What do you mean that one kiddo has his language in the wrong place?
Haha, when you said that you had clients without filters, I immediately thought about working for AS. I miss that job sometimes, there was a lot of good memories there. You just have to inwardly laugh when someone says something inappropriate, otherwise you will go insane. Now that I think about it, I am going to have to write a few letters to some of my old friends.
Update on the apartment. So we found a new place. Rented it out and then were waiting for the landlord (is this right?) to renovate it. Then we are told that the sisters are taking it (again, stolen twice in two transfers). The whole thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but fighting it only makes everyone upset.
So we have heard about this "revolutionary idea" that the New York missionaries came up with. I am glad that they are having so much success with it! I wish it would work as well out here. We have been doing it for many years. The problem is not having the guards kick you out of the park. They don't have the power to do that, but unless we want a scene (and the unlikely chance that they really do have the power) we just leave. It works really well though. Maybe next summer we will be able to do a really big one.
It is still so warm here. There are still leaves on most of the trees. In fact, I saw Presidents tree budding again! Its been getting a little bit colder each week, but nothing like it should be. So much for it being the coldest winter in history.
I will be sure to look in the toe of my stocking before I put it on. What! Did you send me MY stocking?
President has decided that you can only go over to Sora G's house 2 times each transfer. That is ok for us, because we don't live in her area and were only going to visit her once a month of so. She is such a nice person. She loves the missionaries and usually just wants someone to talk to.
Being a DL is great. I haven't forgotten to call the sisters for nightly check up in a good 2 weeks! We have talked about the talk by Bruce R. McConkie (my favorite), Prayer and God is Our Loving Heavenly Father. I love to teach them, they are so much fun and they bring us all together as missionaries. Kind of a booster for the week.
I cant believe that it has been a year either! I agree with every thing that you said Dad. It is a very strange thing to think that I am "over the hill". It is both a great feeling and a slightly sad one. Oh well, just keep on working!
I know that I need to send more pictures. The problem is getting pictures from other people. It is such a hassle to take a picture of myself. Usually I get it from someone else. I will try and take a lot today at soccer and Hard Rock and then get a bunch from the sisters and other elders.
Love you all!
Elder Ormsby