Dear Family,
Sorry you didn't get an email yesterday. President came for interviews and we had a wild day. Elder L and I were going to wake up at 3 am to start lunch for President (roast pork, mashed know, the works). I know its early, but I love seeing people eat something that I made, that I know tastes good. Any ways, I wake up and shower and what not, only to have a big feeling. Don't go to the church right now. I couldn't tell if it was the Holy Ghost or me wanting my bed. I decided that testing that feeling wasn't something I wanted to do, so I promptly went back to bed and woke up at a more decent hour. 4:45 lol. We were out the door around 5:30 and started the food closer to 6. After we prepared the food and stuffed it in the oven, we took a little nap in the church and then listened to some really great talks. "The First Great Commandment" by Elder Holland, "We Are Doing a Great Work and Cannot Come Down" by President Uchtdorf, and "Where is the Pavilion" by President Eyring. We also watched the new Mormon message about the Prodigal son. It gives a modern day story about the Prodigal Son, but from the point of the older brother. Its really good, you should watch it for family home evening. I will include a link, just to make it a little easier ;) Haha, computer smiley faces are so funny.
That's pretty funny about the whole Olympics thing. How is the US doing anyways?
What an interesting conversation it must have been. It must be really nice to have someone love you, the fact that you would visit them and cherishes your time. The story she told you about her daughter made me really sad. It is something that I have come to acknowledge on my mission. The fact that The Love Magnet will probably pass away before I do. In the beginning of my mission, it brought me a lot of heartache, but now I have a changed perspective. I still have a lot of time left with my favorite little sister, there are lot of things we can do together. Will I be sad when she leaves this life? You better believe it, but I take solace knowing that I will be able to see her again. Not only that, but in a perfect body. I don't have to think about that for a long time, but it still makes me really excited.
For my 21st birthday we went to a Chinese restaurant with a member. 'A' is way a way cool and solid member. She's really funny and so not excited for sister missionaries to come to Bacau. I keep praying we get really good sisters. The members, us and the city need it. After Chinese, we went to internet and then off to the B family for dinner. They have a tradition where they buy pizzas on someones birthday. This is a very rare treat and I am so grateful that they would include me on one of their family's traditions. We also had cake. I have a video where they are singing to me. I wish I had been holding the camera, cause I look so awkward in the video. What is one supposed to do when others are singing happy birthday? Basically be as awkward as possible. The other missionaries hadn't been shopping yet, so they left early and we just talked for a bit. Answered a few gospel questions and what not. S, one of the daughters, is really smart and has been reading everyday. She has some good questions. After answering a few, we ran home. While we were planning for the night, the other elders called us into the main room. I went out, expecting them to have a camera and some balloons or something. I tried to go to the kitchen, but then Elder L stopped me. Apparently only he was supposed to go out haha.
They had a cake and we sang happy birthday again and ate some more cake (chocolate this time, instead of an angel food cake(ish)). The next morning, we all woke up sick because of all the sugar. Hadnt had that much sugar in a long long time.
This week we were at the store and I wanted to get a treat. My favorite thing that I used to get was a Swiss Roll. Now, Elder T had become super paranoid about alcohol in the candy here (its in a lot of stuff and you usually don't notice it). So when I got my swiss roll, I turned it around, just to humor myself, only to find that the dumb thing has alcohol. Well shoot, there goes my favorite treat. Now I need to go find an equally delicious roll of chocolate and plastic to quench my hunger.
Missionary ideas for Dad: One of the things that the aps are pushing is a small paper that has a few lines for friends and then cooresponding boxes for dates. The dates are when they are going to invite that certain friend to what activity. After the 8th or so activity, they will invite the friend to take the lessons. On the back has a bunch of things such as, how to ask a friend to an activity, which activities are good, how to choose a friend etc etc. We haven't tried it yet, but I will let you know the results.
I got that package! Thank you so much. I am actually using the cookies today for a spiritual thought and the red velvet cakes will be for tonight when we finish our pday. I will send you pics later today. We have English soon and are leaving in a few minutes.
Love you all and talk to you soon,
Elder Ormsby
It is so cold!
Found another Bacau Creep.
The foyer of the rented Bacau church building.
Sacrament room
Foyer hallway to the left.
Foyer hallway to the right
This is interesting. This is how romanians (and most of europe) heat their homes. It heats water to 70 C and then pumps it to water heaters. Those things are HOT!
My apartment kitchen. Yes, it is messy right now.

I dont know why, but Elder O likes to point at me with an strange face...
This is American Week at Lidl (a store). I bought "hot dogs" cause I was bored of what we had back home...they werent hot dogs...
Don't they look appealing?..
How about now?
Elder T bought "cheese cake". Do I see a trend?
Chocolate muffins (werent so bad) and popcorn (havent tried it yet)
What Romanians think Americans eat.
now that is a real meal!!!
Thanks for the package!